EVEN MORE Evidence that Orthokeratology Slows Myopia Progression

I recently "argued" with yet another ophthalmologist about this (this time on Yahoo Answers). He says that ortho-k lenses are "dangerous" b/c they "press" on the cornea (they don't). He says They're "temporary" anyway b/c they don't "reshape the eye". SIGH. Man just b/c someone has a degree doesn't make them educated on every subject. Some people are woefully misinformed (or have an agenda). Here's the latest news on ortho-k and myopia control: CRIMPS STUDY Analysis of Orthokeratology on Childhood Myopic Refractive Stability This study determined whether overnight orthokeratology (OK) influences the progression rate of the manifest refractive prescription in myopic children, when compared with an age- and refraction-matched spectacle-wearing control group, over a period up to eight years. The right eyes of control (n=30) and OK (n=26) children were compared. Treatment groups were matched for baseline age and refractive error. At baseline, children were younger than 16 years and showed manifest spherical refractive error more than -0.50D. The minimum period of evaluation for each child was two years. Changes to manifest refractive prescription were compared between the groups in two yearly intervals up to eight years. On the whole, OK eyes showed a significantly more stable myopic refractive prescription than control eyes over all of the two-year treatment intervals. A subpopulation (n=18; 64%) of OK eyes demonstrated an apparent total arrest of manifest myopic refractive change. Symmetry in the vertical meridian of baseline corneal topography was associated with a greater degree of refractive stability in OK eyes. This retrospective study provides evidence that OK can reduce the rate of progression of childhood myopia over the long term. In addition, these findings offer some early insight into a potential indicator that may help predict the extent of refractive stability in individual eyes undergoing OK. SOURCE: Downie LE, Lowe R. Corneal reshaping influences myopic prescription stability (CRIMPS): an analysis of the effect of orthokeratology on childhood myopic refractive stability. Eye Contact Lens. 2013; Jun 13. [Epub ahead of print].


  1. "On the whole, OK eyes showed a significantly more stable myopic refractive prescription than control eyes over all of the two-year treatment intervals"

    what? that can't be true b/c my ophthalmologist said those lenses "don't work" and are "just a girdle" /sarcasm

  2. I am not a child anymore, but do you think it could make a difference in my case? I have two problems that I'm trying to solve.
    I wrote to you earlier about a possible GPC. You might be interested to hear how am I dealing with it. I managed to control it once I got rid of the ciba vision products and switched to biofinity. I still sometimes (one day every other month) feel a burning sensation in the corner of my left eye, where I used to have a bump that moved my ciba contact before. For the last 8 months I was able to tolerate the contacts again, and even get back to the extended wear regimen. I have been doing it since 2002 and I can't function without it anymore. I cannot keep them in for a week anymore (or two weeks - as when I was in my teens/early twenties), but I can get 3-4 days of extended wear without consequences. I tried 5 - 7 days, but I would get a burning sensation, and interestingly enough, only only after I remove them, rest my eyes for a couple of days, and get the cleaned contacts back in. So I'm guessing that the GPC is still there, just not as severe anymore.
    The other question is. I'm in my mid twenties and my RX get stronger ever every couple of months. Once it changed in just one month. I was started with
    OD: -0.75 and OS: -0.5 at the age of 12. I stabilized at 15 with OS: -2.00 and OD: -2.25 and I was stable until the age of 24. Now I'm 25 and I'm OS: -3.75 and OD: 4.50, and it's getting worse. I already need a new RX. I know it's not genetic because I'm the only person in my family (counting in great great parents and extended family) ever needing glasses. I have no cataracts diagnosed, and I'm doing blood analysis every 6 months, no apparent diseases, no diabetes... My eye doctors/optometrists (yes I change often) do not seem to be concerned about it at all, but I sure am. They just say it stops in the mid 20s, and then I usually repeat I am in my mid 20s and my myopia is really picking up the pace now. I get a weird look and they just say, It'll stop. But it doesn't. I am doing a PhD in molecular biology, maybe "too much studying/close work".

    Do you think OK could solve these two issues?
    Thanks again.

  3. Kids get used to wearing retainers in their sleep. Getting used to wearing lenses to shape the cornea while you sleep is similar. Orthokeratology might become as common as that dental practice some day.

    Paul | northtceoptom.com.au


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